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New Wastewater Collection  Improvement Project Information

Construction Updates

*The city of Kindred will try to provide timely, relevant, and up-to-date information regarding construction of the Lagoon Project as it becomes available to us. If you have any questions, please contact any city staff, council, or the project engineer. Thank you!



Received the following update last night: 

“KPH notified us during the construction meeting held this afternoon that they plan to close Third Ave from Linden Street to Elm Street, including the full intersections, starting tomorrow (Thursday).  They also plan to close the intersection of Maple Street and Fourth Ave.  This is to start preparing the roadway for asphalt paving scheduled for next week. Their goal is to reopen the intersections October 15th.”


For weeks: 9/30/2022 & 10/07/2022 - General Construction Update & Resident Specific Update



Localized Water Shut Offs & Water pressure loss: Localized water shut-offs occurring tomorrow may cause a city-wide l0ss of water pressure beginning approximately 9:00 am tomorrow (9/1). This low water pressure could last 8-10 hours. PLEASE CONSERVE WATER USE FOR THE DAY - ESPCIALLY LAWN IRRICATION! 

Road Closures: Effective today, 8/31/2022, until approximately 9/9/2022, Maple Street between 3rd & 4th Avenues will be closed. Next week starting on 9/5, a half block of 3rd Ave from Linden to the alley north of Linden will be closed. 

*KPH, Inc. & Moore Engineering will be contacting and working with residents that are directly affected b the water shut offs and road closures.



KPH will be continuing their work on the force main for the lagoon project early next week. There is the potential for water pressure issues city-wide and a small chance of water discoloration. To help alleviate issues with any  decrease in water pressure, please reduce your water consumption. Please refrain from washing cars, running sprinklers/watering lawn and garden, etc. as this will help preserve the water pressure of the system for necessary everyday use. Thank you, also, for your patience with this project as we navigate variable construction schedules, ill-timed road closures, and inconvenient water/sewer issues, etc. We will try to communicate pertinent information as timely as we receive it. Hopefully, the end is in sight!


For weeks: 08/08/2022 & 08/15/202 - General Construction Update & Resident Specific Update (Maple St., Linden St., & 3rd & 4th Ave.)

  1. KPH is planning to install the 14-inch new sanitary force main pipe across the intersection of Maple St and 4th Ave which will require a road closure. There will be trenches/pits in the street & blvd in the locations shown on the exhibit. Maple St will be open between 4th Ave and 3rd Ave, with the exception of the intersection of 4th Ave and Maple St being closed as shown. Please be careful as you drive through this area, as equipment and workers will be on both sides of the street and in the boulevards. 

12/01/2021 Construction Update - Road Closure Notice

  1. Directional drilling of the force main is being completed along the west boulevard of 3rd Ave from Maple St. to the lift station (alley north of Linden St). The pilot hole and reaming work is happening this morning. Depending on when the reaming work is complete, the new force main pipe may be installed this afternoon. If time does not allow, it will be installed tomorrow morning. Once ready, the fused pipe will be moved from Maple St./Linden St., north to the alley north of Linden St and extending north through the intersection of Elm St, to the alley north of Elm St. The force main will then be pulled/installed back to the south, which should take about 4-5 hours. The intersection of Elm St. will be closed during this time. Traffic control will be placed as needed.

For weeks: 11/29/2021 & 12/06/2021 - General Construction Update

For weeks: 11/15/2021 & 11/22/2021 - General Construction Update & Resident Specific Update (Maple St., Linden St., & 3rd Ave)

For weeks: 10/11/2021 & 10/18/2021  - General Construction Update & Resident Specific Update (Maple St., 3rd Ave., & 4th Ave.)

9/27/2021 Construction Update - Road Closure Notice

  1. Road closure scheduled for Tuesday (9/28) or Wednesday (9/29) – south side of intersection of 164th Ave SE & 53rd.

  2. Road closure schedule for Friday (10/1) just west of the property at 16390 53rd St SE as the force main crosses from the south side to the north side of 53rd. (This might move to early next week (week of 10/4) depending on contractor’s progress this week.)

For Weeks: 9/20/2021 & 9/27/2027
For Weeks: 9/6/2021 & 9/13/2021



Project Timeline:

June 2013: Moore Engineering started wastewater system study

June 2015: Wastewater system study completed

August 2015: Initial request is submitted for United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 594 Funding - 75% grant funding

October 2016: Follow-up request submitted for USACE Section 594 Funding

April 2018: City of Kindred worked closely with Senator Heitkamp's Office on pushing for USACE Section 594 Funding

November 2018: City of Kindred is awarded $3.0 million in USACE Section 594 Funding toward wastewater lagoon improvements

May 2019: City of Kindred is awarded $420,000 in State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan forgiveness from the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality

February 2020: City of Kindred is awarded an additional $1.2 million in USACE Section 594 Funding toward upgrade of main sanitary sewer lift station (total of $4.62 million in grant funding)

May 2021: City of Kindred awards a construction contract to relocate lagoons west of town and upgrade main sanitary sewer lift station

September 2022: Project expected to be substantially complete



Q. Why is the sewer base rate and usage rate increasing?

A. The previous sewer rate structure was incompatible with the city's sewer expenses. The current lagoon system has required minimal funds for operations and maintenance, thus resulting in rates that have not increased since 2011. As our community and infrastructure needs have grown, the increased rates will better align with the city's increasing sewer expenses. 

Q. What is the new charge on my utility bill called 2019-1 Wastewater Project (Sewer Capacity Charge)? 

A. The 2019-1 Wastewater Project charge on your utility bill pays for the loan of the new lagoon project.

Q. How long will the 2019-1 Wastewater Project charge be on my bill? 

A. The 2019-1 Wastewater Project charge will be on monthly utility bills until the project loan is paid off. The loan has a maturity date of 9/1/2051.

Q. How is the $22.09* charge determined? (*Most residential sewer users)

A. The monthly $22.09 per sewer connection is based on the city of Kindred's estimated loan costs for the lagoon project. The estimated loan is $3.48 million at 2% interest. 

Q. Will the charge always be $22.09

A.  Not necessarily. After the project is complete and a final loan total is calculated, this charge will be reviewed and may fluctuate. Also, if the number of sewer connections increases (i.e. increase in new homes), this charge may decrease.

Q. Why isn't the project being specially assessed?

A.  The project is being funded by anyone who utilizes the sewer services.

Q. Why are we paying for the loan for the new lagoon when it isn't completed yet?

A.  The project isn't complete, however, as the construction has begun the city is presently incurring costs and has started paying for the expenses of the project. The city of Kindred's first loan payment for the project is due March of 2022. The 2019-1 Wastewater Project charge is required to secure the loan for the project. 


Other Information:

Water, Sewer, & Garbage Rates

January 2022 Sewer Rate Increase Letter to Residents

Winter 2020-2021 Newsletter article: "New Lagoon Project Underway"

Fall 2021 Newsletter article: " City of Kindred Officially Breaks Ground for New Wastewater Collection & Treatment Improvement Project"


Kindred, North Dakota

31 5th Ave N  I  PO Box 158  I  Kindred, ND 58051  I

City Hall Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Friday: Available by Appointment

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